Beautiful Strawberries in Cameron Highlands |
Nobody can EVER beat Mother Nature when it comes to designing beautiful things. There can be nothing more perfectly created than this....
That is why, I figured - Why waste Mother Nature's beautiful artwork? So I made this...
Unbaked Strawberry Cheesecake-in-cups :D |
When I slivered the strawberries and fanned them out on the cheesecakes, it looked kinda plain. I was about to throw away all the strawberry tops, then I thought, why waste those gorgeous leaves? So I added them on top - and Wa-La! Nothing can beat Mother Nature ;D
Look What I Found! |
Mine! |
Oh... and speaking of
beautiful things... Check out at the
AWESOME VIEW I had at the Bharat Tea Plantation cafe....
Someone is gonna KILL me... :P |
My Domo sure looks odd in this pic.
ARGH! I can't believe I missed this trip! Sigh =(
the strawberry cheese cakes are really to die for! keep up the good work :)
the view really was very pretty... the tea plantation I mean :D
Thanks Chris. Glad you enjoyed it ;D Whaddya think of Domo with long hair? hehehe
eh that woman look so familiar.....hhhmm...where i seen her ...ahhahahaa
that woman is Domo-kun's cousin... Ohaiyo-chan
;D haha..
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